Performance- Kunstraum Memphis- Linz
DEEVAN* operates on the boundaries between cultures, navigating the complexities of uncertainty and change. In this ambiguity, the project deals with profound questions about existence, belonging, and social contradictions. DEEVAN* aimed to create a “space” for those who “do not fit”—for fractured identities—while opening discussions about otherness. The project was not about introducing something new or highlighting divisions within society. Instead, it pursued to think outside the boxes: origin as a box, skin color as a box, gender as a box, immigrants labeled as victims, felons or heroes as a box, and even “normal” as a box.
Through an absurd loop in a performance, DEEVAN* challenged the established without creating a replacement. It rejected the need to define or confine. DEEVAN* didn’t aim to fix or destroy; it simply aimed a space for openness, emergence, chaos, and becoming.
Naming queer citizens* as DEEV* is an effort to rejuvenate language— to invent new terms that allow for more nuanced, complex, and deeply humanized definitions,and I believe there are many more words yet to be created.
Artistic Research-Multi Media Installation
The aspects of modern heritage in
Otto-Wagner-Spital Vienna
The Placeless Academy - Philomena+ Benghazi/ Casablanca/ Vienna
I believed that if I were to create any artwork in this context, its true audience would be in Iran. Producing images for European curiosity about Iran or recounting the regime's horrors felt misplaced within the frame of activist work. Instead, I sought to resist the urge to confine the revolution to the aesthetics of art.
In *Non-Exhibition*, following one of the protests we organized in Linz, I invited participants to an art space where a blank canvas awaited. Rather than presenting a finished piece, I encouraged everyone to fill the empty canvas with their slogans, desires, and messages—an open-ended, collective act without a definitive conclusion or end. It was simply a milestone in an ongoing process, a space to allow the revolution to breathe and resist being framed or defined while it was still alive.
This act was an echo of the streets, calling us to return to them. I refused to contain an ongoing revolution within a gallery. Instead, I sought to nurture its energy, letting it flourish and rise within us as a living force.
Food with zero waste
Intervention - Linz
Our understanding of the world is inherently tied to the “Perspective” through which we perceive it. We exist in “parallel cities” — divergent interpretations of urban spaces. This project seeks to portray the untapped dimension of inhabiting space for a eye-to-eye encounter. I aimed to explore levels beyond accessibility, highlighting the severely limited experience of urban space. Consequently, the intention was to scrutinize the unnoticed, the unfamiliar, and the unexplored
DARV_Steps Untold 1.0 Treasures Performance - Linz
Concrete-found objects
During construction, I found inspiration in the elements often concealed within walls and roofs, or those discarded along the way. The forms, materials, colors, and unexpected juxtapositions in this concrete collage became my focus and fascination.
Intervention - Tehran
The project aims to mark the female body, and provokes the question of the interaction between women body and the urban spaces.
The project participated in a group exhibition in cultural space rotor Graz “FOR... Dancing on the Street“ 2023.